Day 1 — NuCamp Backend Python Bootcamp

Introductions and Setting Up working environment

Kenny Hin
2 min readJun 28, 2022

What is a Computer?

Input and output devices

Keyboard, mouse, monitor etc.

Secondary Memory

External hard drive, flash drive


Operating system (OS), Ram is the main memory. CPU is the brain of the computer, process input, output results, store data.

Philosophy of Python


This is gem,

I just finished up setting up my work environment for Python. There are so many steps to getting your computer to communicate with programming languages. Makes sense — if you don’t teach the computer or in other words install the languages, when you finally run your program on your computer, it’ll just be gimberish. Thats why i love that the UDEMY courses refer you to replit because it allows you to survey the language.

I am almost halfway done with the week — so i think i’m ahead. Its 7:41PM, i split up my learning in two sessions. I spent about 2 hours when i got done with the gym and spent about another 1.5 hours after my nap ;). One thing I learned during the span of coding is balance and know when to shut it down. With that being said, I’m excited for this journey! See ya tomorrow!

