Day 11 of Python — Challenges

Refresh iterate string with for loops / random.choice

Kenny Hin
1 min readJun 16, 2022

Start: 1:43PM

Instructors Flow chart:

Helpful resource:

Step 1 of Flow Chart:

word_list = [“aardvark”, “baboon”, “camel”]

#TODO-1 — Randomly choose a word from the word_list and assign it to a variable called chosen_word.

#TODO-2 — Ask the user to guess a letter and assign their answer to a variable called guess. Make guess lowercase.

#TODO-3 — Check if the letter the user guessed (guess) is one of the letters in the chosen_word.

todo1: will require random function (import)

todo2: will require prompt and lower() method

todo3: if statements

My code:

Had to brush up on random.choice method and how the for loops iterate through strings.

End 2:43

